Spring Concert - Third Grade

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All of the children played an instrument. John played his violin.
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OK Alex, wave to the camera.
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The hit of the evening was "King Tut." Chase and Matthew are jammin'.
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Alexander and Michael bust loose.
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I, of course, ran out of film.  I was scrambling to get the camera reloaded.   Here is my first shot with new film.
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Chase gets his rythym from his daddy.
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It's recorder time.
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At the end, one more time to ham it up for the camera. (Can you tell whose dad is taking the pictures?)
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Hit this link to see the 1998 first grade concert.

Hit this link to see the 1998 third grade spring concert.

Hit this link to see the 1999 Greenhill Fourth Grade Spring Concert.

or go back to DouglasFejer.com.