UT-D Baseball vs. Concordia - Saturday April 29, 2006     Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)
(These photos are best viewed with the monitor set to 1,280x1024)*

Yo. Check this out. Amateur photographer Doug has learned a new trick. Noon baseball games are brutal. The noon games create bad, bad shadows because the sun is directly overhead and this creates shadows over faces. It is worse with baseball because the players are wearing baseball caps. (Soccer players don't wear them.) So, check out the new trick in the second photo.

Computers are great. Photosshop CS2 has a command called shadow recovery. I just picked up this tip today (May 4) while browsing a Nikon users group on the internet. Pretty kewel stuff.

Gosh, this computer stuff is amazing.

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*Also, if using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Go to "tools: internet options: Advanced: Multimedia" -
 Check the box "enable automatic image resizing."