UT-D  vs. Howard Payne - Friday October 13, 2006     Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)
(These photos are best viewed with the monitor set to 1,280x1024)*

All photographers hate the sun. In this case the game started at 1:00 PM daylight time. As a result, the sun is directly overhead. This will cause some brutal shadows.

One hour later and these particular shadows will be gone.

The other good news bad news is that the game also started on October 13. As a result the sun is kinda also on the south side of the field. So, for best results the photographer should stand on the west side of the field, but also on the south side and just aim his camera facing north. Hence in the photo below you see the shadows behind the player. (I'll remember that tomorrow.)

Here is the first goal.

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*Also, if using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Go to "tools: internet options: Advanced: Multimedia" -
 Check the box "enable automatic image resizing."