UT-D Basketball vs. Sul Ross State University - Thursday December 04, 2008  - Photos by Doug Fejer   Page 3
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)

This gave me a pretty good chuckle. Been there, done that. The Comets may be very exciting to watch, but they're not in the same league as a new cell phone.

(I wonder if they're texting each other?)

Doug has had many battles with his wife and daughter over the years over cell phones. I pretty much went up in flames in every battle. Lost every one of them.

And here is my advice to all men who will face this situation in the future. Some men win the cell phone wars and some lose them. The ones who win end up divorced and the ones who lose stay married. It is just that simple.(23 years and counting. I have learned how to punt.)

Gosh, many people where multitasking while watching the Comets.

No I-Phones yet. So I guess I have not lost every single battle. And let's get one thing straight. Any money I spend on photo equipment has nothing to do with cell phones. Some things are necessary and some things are frivolous. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Check back after the holidays.)

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