SMU Soccer vs. Oral Roberts University - Friday August 24, 2012 - Photos by Doug Fejer - Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)

Doug loves to complain about the photography conditions. Not today. 5:00 pm start means the light will be perfect. (Even better in the second half.) New SMU uniforms. They're perfect for photography. Just look. They do very well in the direct sunlight. Even the ball is photo friendly. So, I am guessing I am going to have a good day.

And, check out the old photo I recently found. This is from the first soccer game I ever attended. September 1976 in Pontiac, Michigan. The guy at the 40 yard line caused quite a stir. He is a Brazilian who went by the nickname of "Pele." (Yes, photographer Doug actually saw Pele play.) It was many years before I attended my second soccer match.

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