UTD Baseball vs. McMurry - Saturday April 01, 2017  - Photos by Doug Fejer   Page 2
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The Apple weather app said the clouds would roll in a 1:00 pm. I looked at my watch when it happened. 12:52 pm.


So, a question for all the young UTD baseball players. What's the difference between a man who has been married for 31 years and other, normal men? Answer: When you get a text from your wife asking if you can drop what you're doing to come home to meet movers delivering dining room furniture.... the poor dude who has been married for 31 years does not ask questions. He just packs up his camera and goes home. That is something I have learned in 31 years. It is a battle every married man will lose BADLY. So later I had a good laugh wondering if Coach Shewmake got a text from his wife in the first inning. Both of us were back for game 2.

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