UTD Basketball vs. MacMurray - Thursday December 21, 2017  - Photos by Doug Fejer   Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos) 

Been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my basketball photos look so bad this year.
Figured it out.
With additional members of the cheerleading squad and Power Dancers I have been forced to stand on the south side of the gym. With nobody at the game last night I was able to stand on the north side for this game. The culprit is the bright floor lights attached to the tables on the north side. The table lights on the south side are nowhere near as offensive. I'll work this one out.

This is part two of the problem. My old lenses are sticking. Either need new autofocus motors or a new lens. Santa Claus will fix this problem.

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