UTD Volleyball vs. Dallas Baptist - Saturday August 26, 2016  - Photos by Doug Fejer   Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos) 

It's great to be back for another season of UTD Volleyball. Big news in Doug Photo land. I bought a few new cameras this summer to see the improvement in technology since I purchased my first Nikon D3 in 2008. (I have three of them.) Wow. Today I am using my brand new Nikon D500. The improvement in low light photography is stunning. I shot most of these photos at 1/800 of a second instead of 1/400 on my D3. The photos are much nicer. Darn. I guess I fell asleep and lost touch with the newest technology.

Wonder if my photo is as good as the ones taken by her family in the first row?????

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