Longhorns 89 v Texans 90 - May 05, 2001 - Page 1
(Click on the individual photos to see the full-size versions.)
One thing that has been so totally cool about my soccer photo hobby is lately my 91 has wanted to go watch the games with me. (Although, once we get there I can't say she watches much of the games. Or at least not when friends also show up.)
05-05-01-a-18.jpg (64275 bytes) 05-05-01-a-19.jpg (77330 bytes)

Just in case anybody cares, dark, overcast skies make for perfect photo weather.
05-05-01-a-21.jpg (57928 bytes)
05-05-01-a-22.jpg (43890 bytes) 05-05-01-a-23.jpg (66990 bytes)

05-05-01-a-24.jpg (43396 bytes) 05-05-01-a-25.jpg (31869 bytes) 05-05-01-a-27.jpg (58392 bytes)

05-05-01-a-29.jpg (68886 bytes) 05-05-01-a-32.jpg (48719 bytes) 

Horns were a little lucky on this play.
05-05-01-a-34.jpg (64789 bytes)

05-05-01-a-35.jpg (65533 bytes) 05-05-01-a-36.jpg (61889 bytes) 05-05-01-a-37.jpg (59166 bytes)
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