Longhorns 89 v Texans 90 - May 05, 2001 - Page 2
(Click on the individual photos to see the full-size versions.)
Oh. Not bad, Doug. I think this shot is particularly nice because there are no cars or parents in the background.
05-05-01-b-02.jpg (51401 bytes)

05-05-01-b-03.jpg (60101 bytes) 05-05-01-b-04.jpg (69120 bytes) 05-05-01-b-05.jpg (68407 bytes)

05-05-01-b-06.jpg (69378 bytes) 05-05-01-b-08.jpg (57894 bytes) 

That's not a bad shot.
05-05-01-b-09.jpg (67435 bytes)

05-05-01-b-11.jpg (49386 bytes) 05-05-01-b-12.jpg (65230 bytes) 

05-05-01-b-13.jpg (67621 bytes)

05-05-01-b-15.jpg (48531 bytes) 05-05-01-b-17.jpg (64287 bytes) 05-05-01-b-18.jpg (62217 bytes)

05-05-01-b-19.jpg (46523 bytes) 05-05-01-b-22.jpg (57332 bytes) 05-05-01-b-23.jpg (62363 bytes)

05-05-01-b-24.jpg (55706 bytes) 

Here we see my fancy new autofocus lens spinning out of control missing a goal shot.
05-05-01-b-25.jpg (25098 bytes)

05-05-01-b-26.jpg (63345 bytes) 05-05-01-b-27.jpg (81431 bytes) 05-05-01-b-31.jpg (61634 bytes)

05-05-01-b-34.jpg (69271 bytes) 05-05-01-b-35.jpg (49975 bytes) 05-05-01-b-35a.jpg (69066 bytes)

Pretty nice of the Longhorn to give her opponent a pat on the back.
05-05-01-b-36.jpg (51805 bytes)
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